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Marketing Christine Bjerkan Marketing Christine Bjerkan

Marketing Tricks Not Learned in Business School /

Business school can teach you a lot. But what about a few years after when the technology has advanced and you are behind on the trending marketing techniques. We are here to show you some fantastic marketing tricks that are not learned in business school, including grammar checks and marketing targets to help boost your equine business’ growth.

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Marketing Christine Bjerkan Marketing Christine Bjerkan

Are You Making The Most of Your Instagram Stories and Highlights /

Instagram stories should not be overlooked by businesses; they can be used to increase engagement and to receive instant feedback on products and services. When you have a business account on Instagram, you are able to see how many interactions you receive from individual stories, which can help you decide which to keep as permanent 'highlights'. Highlights are great for grouping easily accessible testimonials, or to include useful information for new followers, or even to help your page reflect your brand image by useful tactful cover photos.

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Branding Christine Bjerkan Branding Christine Bjerkan

The Right (and Wrong) Reasons to Rebrand Your Business /

When rebranding is done for the wrong reasons, it can defeat the entire purpose of rebranding and even have a negative impact on your equine business. On average, businesses tend to have a major rebrand every 7-10 years and make lots of smaller changes in between, but this will depend on your equine business and there are no set timings on when you should rebrand.

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Industry Christine Bjerkan Industry Christine Bjerkan

The Power of Testimonials - And How To Ask For Them /

Customer testimonials are recommendations or reviews that may be voluntary, requested, or paid for. They are an important element of your equine business’ promotion should be easily visible and accessible in your website’s design. We realise it can be difficult knowing how to ask for a customer’s recommendation but it can benefit your horse business.

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Christine Bjerkan Christine Bjerkan

How Often Should Your Equine Business Be Posting On Social Media /

We’re often asked how often businesses should post on social media, and the short answer is: as regularly as you can consistently post valuable and meaningful content. However, studies have shown the optimal posting frequencies for different platforms (facebook, instagram, pinterest, etc) so we’re reporting on how often to post on the most popular social media networks.

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Marketing Christine Bjerkan Marketing Christine Bjerkan

Boost Your Business' Social Media Results /

Social media allows equestrian brands and businesses to connect with audiences in a more meaningful way than ever before. Despite this, few know how to leverage the popular platforms to truly benefit their business! We talk you through the latest social media statistics, and have created a FREE worksheet to help you carve out a social media strategy for growing your equestrian business online.

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Christine Bjerkan Christine Bjerkan

The Top Reasons You are Unfollowed on Social Media /

Depending on the platform(s) you use there are different ways for your followers to ‘unfollow’ you, but the one thing they have in common however, is the reasons for why they chose to do this. So if you are consistently loosing more followers than you’re gaining, or perhaps you’re not seeing the engagement rate you were hoping for, read on.

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Industry Kamilia Boyes Industry Kamilia Boyes

Get Your Equestrian Business Ready for Brexit

EQuerry Consulting are teaming up with Don Roper Accountant to provide for the digital, marketing, re-targeting and financial needs of equestrians negotiating the challenge of relocation to Europe due to Brexit. It is vital for riders and businesses alike to have a strong marketing strategy to establish their presence digitally and locally when moving abroad, alongside financial support to navigate the regulations Brexit will impose.

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Kamilia Boyes Kamilia Boyes

We Speak with Erin from Silver Oaks Farm

Erin talks to us about how she runs her stunning Instagram account @silveroaksfarm alongside her career as a photographer and her equestrian focused Etsy shop. She tells us what Instagram means for her and how it has helped her build a community and provided business opportunities.

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Marketing Christine Bjerkan Marketing Christine Bjerkan

7 Types of Content that will Revitalise Your Brand

Branding is often the ignored side of digital marketing due to the fact that it doesn’t produce the instant results despite it being one of the most valuable marketing assets around. We have put together a list of 7 types of content that will help to revitalise your brands in the eyes of your existing audience, but that can also help you capture new customers.

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Marketing Christine Bjerkan Marketing Christine Bjerkan

Influencer Marketing Explained

Affiliate marketing is a low risk but can in turn be a very effective investment to help expand your equine marketing efforts beyond the reach of what is considered traditional marketing means. As brands are increasingly incorporating this concept as an integral part of their marketing strategy, it is critical to understand the benefits for both influencers and brands so that both can work in synergy.

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Marketing Christine Bjerkan Marketing Christine Bjerkan

Overcoming Covid: From Surviving to Thriving

Since February 2020, Covid-19 has wreaked havoc, leaving destruction and confusion behind. In order to come back stronger and return to full speed, it is more important than ever that equestrians look to confront the challenges, making them ready to reap the opportunities that are arising, which is exactly what working with equine marketing specialists will do for your business.

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